Building our employment future


The ACESQ seeks to promote the employability interests of English-speaking Quebecers, proposing solutions to improve employment retention and access to the labour market

Our Mission

The Advisory Committee for English-Speaking Quebecers (ACESQ) represents English speakers in Quebec’s employment landscape. Working closely with the Commission of Labour Market Partners, the ACESQ helps improve access to sustainable employment opportunities for English-speaking Quebecers.

Who are English-speaking Quebecers?

Those who reside in Quebec and who consider English to be their first official language, regardless of ethnic origin or first language learned. This population is heterogeneous and made up of many communities with distinct issues and needs in terms of integration and job retention.

Our mandate

Advocating for greater employability support province-wide.

Our team

Nine members, including two representing the government.

Our work

Collaborating in establishing priorities and proposing solutions to resolve issues raised.


Providing insights into the issues and challenges our communities are facing.

About us

Our purpose

Quebec’s government bodies rely on advisory committees to help them make decisions that affect minority populations. English-speaking Quebecers make up 14.9% of the population. However, this diverse group is under-employed and often underrepresented in the labour market. Statistics also reveal lower incomes. 


We provide advocacy by:

  • Highlighting disparities
  • Proposing solutions
  • Supporting government action
  • Producing studies
  • Identifying best practices
  • Devising strategies