Our mandate

Our mandate

The Advisory Committee for English-speaking Quebecers works to promote the employability interests of English-speaking Quebecers and propose solutions to improve their integration into the labour market and their job retention.

The ACESQ is part of the network of the Commission des partenaires du marché du travail (CPMT), which acts as a forum for collaboration between labour market representatives. The ACESQ is a privileged interlocutor of the CPMT working to promote the interests of English-speaking Quebecers in the labour market and to support their integration, reintegration, and job retention.


Quebec residents who consider English to be their first official language


The percentage of the Quebec workforce made up of English speakers


The percentage points between the unemployment rate of English speakers (10.9%) compared to French speakers (6.9%)

The CPMT network includes eight advisory committees, each of which focuses on the employment needs and issues of a group that is underrepresented in the labour market. These groups are:

Each advisory committee is made up of members who represent employers, workers, employability organizations, the education sector, and government ministries. The responsibilities of the advisory committees include analyzing the employment realities of underrepresented groups, conducting research projects and drafting reports, and issuing recommendations to the CPMT.

By gathering input from its network of partners, the CPMT works to define the development needs of the current and future workforce. The CPMT also advises the Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale (MESS) on labour market policy and collaborates with the MESS in the development of workforce and employment strategies.

The ACESQ is proud to be one of the partners who helps contribute to the CPMT’s collaborative ecosystem.


Who we work with