Our Members

The Advisory Committee for English-Speaking Quebecers is made up of 9 members: 7 voting members and 2 non-voting members.

Our day-to-day activities are managed by the Executive Committee, which is composed of three elected ACESQ members and a representative from the Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale (MESS).

Meet our Representatives

Voting members

Cathy Brown

Cathy Brown

Nicholas Salter

Nicholas Salter

Michael Forian-Zytynsky

Trina Belanger

Isabelle-Line Hurtubise

Isabelle-Line Hurtubise

Non-voting members

Luce Mercier

  • Conseillère en intervention sectorielle
    Ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale – MESS (DDCIS)

Louis-Pierre Légaré

  • Director of the Secrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois d’expression anglaise

Our coordinators

Julia Crowly

Julia coordinates the ACESQ’s work, ensuring the application of committee decisions and the implementation of the action plan. She reports to the Executive Committee and to The Provincial Employability Roundtable (PERT), the mandated organisation.

Abbey McGugan

Abbey coordinates the development of research related to labour force issues among the English-speaking community for the ACESQ. She is currently working on several research projects on English-speaking Quebecers and their experiences in the labour market.